Becker Traffic Assist 7927 Software Update
Download Becker Traffic assist HighSpeed / Pro maps. Password: bRAd. These are the only Becker maps, i recommend you to install iGO to your device because they update their devices more often, and you do now have anything to lose if you have the original DVD/CD that came with your device. Becker Traffic Assist BE7914 I have a Becker Traffic Assist BE7914. Becker Traffic Assist 7927 Personal. Want to update my becker gps. Becker Traffic Assist.
BECKER TRAFFIC ASSIST 7927 Intuitive driving at its finest The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 combines fascinating technology with a unique slim-line design. Equipped with an automatically adjustable 3.5-inch touch-screen display and a driving simulation through tunnels, this mobile navigation system is ideal for safe, intuitive travel in 37 European countries. Standard features include a pre-programmed 2-GB SD card, 400 MHz processor, dynamic route guidance with TMC* and intermediate destination mode. Lane assistant showing the recommended driving lane in advance, points of interest display for the chosen route, entry of geo-coordinates. The integrated MP3/video player provides multimedia entertainment in outstanding Becker sound quality. *Dynamic route guidance with TMC in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France (free TMC only), Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
TMC information can be accessed when route guidance is deactivated.
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The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 navigation system is pre-loaded with mapping for 37 European countries. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 provides 3.5-inch TFT high contrast colour touch screen, with 2D or 3D map displays and includes full 8-digit UK postcode search.
The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 includes a TMC module, providing real-time traffic information and recalculation of route. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 'Lane Assistant' indicates the recommended driving lane in advance. The Becker 7927 also has an integrated MP3 and video player. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 personal navigation device combines fascinating technology with a unique slim-line design and features a high-contrast, low reflection 3.5-inch TFT touch screen. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 has also been designed to be easy to install in just a few steps and can be used practically anywhere. A perfect travel companion for added safety and convenience in the car, on a bike or motorcycle. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 also features a full 8-digit UK postcode search with 2D and 3D moving maps of the UK, Western Europe and Eastern Europe, in total the Becker Traffic Assist 7927 provides street-level mapping for 37 European countries (a full list of available countries is listed below) in 22 different languages.

Real-time Traffic Information The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 provides real-time traffic information via the TMC (Traffic Message Channel) Module and then displays the various events and give you options on how to avoid traffic congestion in the road ahead. This feature is also available when Becker navigation guidance is inactive. The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 TMC system is available in the following European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland).
Route Calculation The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 route calculation can be selected according to profiles, which include: normal car, fast car, slow car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian. Once selected these profiles will generate a route specific to your chosen method of transport. Ideal if you intend to use your Becker Traffic Assist 7927 for walking or cycling.
The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 includes route information including arrival time, destination address, intermediate destination address and travel time remaining. Route selection provides options for fast route, short route, best route and scenic route. Advanced route options include with/without motorways, with/without toll roads and with/without ferries. The new 'Lane Assistant' shows the recommended driving lane in advance, points of interest display for the chosen route and allows entry of geo-coordinates. Comprehensive Points of Interests The Becker Traffic Assist 7927 map data for Europe contains special destination points of interests (POI) including airports, hospitals, service stations, hotels, restaurants and stadiums. Galaxy wars resource pack minecraft. Miniature icons show points of interest along the selected route. Multi Media Features In addition to navigation the Becker Traffic Assist 7927 features integrated MP3 player, JPEG picture viewer and video player.