Bose Sounddock Serial Number Lookup
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Bose® Product Support Search. What type of product do you need help with? Docking speakers CD/radio Earphones Over-ear headphones Aviation headsets 5 speaker home cinema 2 speaker home cinema Computer speakers Bookshelf speakers Outdoor speakers Installed speakers Floorstanding speakers Speciality/professional & other Soundbar and 1 speaker. If you check the sticker on the bottom, above the serial number, it should say the name of your SoundDock system. If it does not mention the words 'Series' or 'Portable' then it is a Series I. Many Series I SoundDock serial numbers start with '0357' or '0402'.
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Pedal steel guitar. • Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes • Photo should be smaller than 5mb • You can only upload a photo.