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VOLUNTEER FOR Northern California Public Media As a public broadcasting station, Northern California Public Media depends upon the support of its members in order to provide programming that educates, informs, and enriches our lives as individuals and as a society. Likewise, Northern California Public Media relies upon volunteers and interns who do everything from answering phones to TV and radio announcing; from operating a camera to editing video and audio for broadcast; from data entry and website assistance to helping manage our live on-air broadcast. Currently Northern California Public Media is accepting applications for interns with an interest in journalism, video production, television and radio broadcasting. There are also many opportunities for volunteers with an interest/skill in those areas. Telephone: (707) 584-2000. COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Another great way to get involved with Northern California Public Media is to apply to join our Community Advisory Council. Northern California Public Media TV and Radio invite application to the 'CAC' to assist the station in forwarding the important work of the Public Media in the North Bay.

The CAC meets three times a year and members are invited to participate in station community events and activities. The CAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors relative to programming goals, services, and policies meeting the needs of the communities. To download the application as a.PDF, (Microsoft Word) version. Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Fax: 707-585-1363 Mail to: Northern California Public Media C.A.C., 5850 Labath Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928.
WinMax Mill Conversational Part Programming 704-0116-215 Programming and Operation Information -iii PROGRAMMING AND OPERATION INFORMATION Hurco provides documentation for using WinMax software on a control or desktop in two formats: on-screen Help and PDF. The information contained in both formats is identical. Hurco WinMax Feature List. DXF Scaling: Lets you scale DXF drawings to actual size—you don’t have redraw them or go back to the CAD system. FastDraw Graphics Engine: Due to technological advancements, the new engine we use to run the verification graphics is almost seven times faster than the previous version.
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