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Doble Garganta - YouTube Jun 23, 2007 Doble Garganta. Read also: recent reviews, test drives, automotive trends and the latest news from the world of cars. • Unfortunately, the government's list still contains errors. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has issued an updated list of vehicle models that it's urging owners to repair under the mushrooming Takata airbag inflator recall.
The latest version adds vehicles from new automakers like Subaru and Ford that are missing from the original announcement, and it also removes erroneous • A new Renault station wagon wouldn't ordinarily show up on our radar. But this one gets us thinking. It's the new Talisman Estate, and we can't help but wonder if it wouldn't make a good addition to Nissan's North American lineup. Versapro 2 04 software download.
If you recognize the name, you may recall that Renault launched the Talisman sedan on the other side of the pond last summer. At the time, we noticed some striking • When it comes to California zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) credits last year, Nissan was selling and Mercedes-Benz was buying. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) put out its ZEV-credits numbers for the year that ended September 30, which is why we now know that Nissan, maker of the battery-electric Leaf, transferred 663.6 ZEV credits out of its account last year. That just edged out the • Last November, the Renault-Nissan Alliance and Mitsubishi announced a partnership to build some tiny electric vehicles for the Japanese market. Well, the partnership is going to build more than that (like the Nissan Dayz, pictured above in Roox form, and the Mitsubishi eK wagon), but we're most interested in the upcoming plug-in results. Those results are not here yet, but we now know that the •.
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