Minecraft Pe Hunger Games Map Download Link
Minecraft PE Maps 2018 Maps for Minecraft PE are the same as mini-games. At least, this statement is true in most cases. Anyway, we have not came across a single map that was a simple showcase or bank of ideas for last two weeks. Therefore, this section is created for people who are looking for pure fun.
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Here you can download almost any kind of entertainment: parkour, PVP, puzzles. It looks like a library of the best games and some of them even have its unique plot, so you can be sure that next 20-30 minutes after the download will free you mind from all offline issues. Let us simplify your choosing process and tell you some interesting facts about three most popular kinds of MCPE maps. Maps MCPE for free download If you want to have a lot of fun with your friends, you should pay attention to the PVP maps for Minecraft PE. Most of them require only two players, so you can even deal with any kind of parlays with their help.
We will share with you two maps on android that we consider as the best ones. The first one is about the era of Gold Rush, when most of issues could be solved with the help of the gun. Here you can prove that you are fastest gun of your server.

The second one is Egg Wars. We do not want to tell you a thing about the plot, because we are not going to spoil you even a thing, so just download it on you device for free and try it out you own. Please, share your experience in comments, we read them pretty often! Adventure is another kind of maps for MCPE.
They have plot, well-written story and the strict rules. In other words, it is some kind of role-playing game or standalone quest, which takes place in Minecraft PE world. We do not know the reason for this process, but most of adventures on android are horrors. By the way, some of them are pretty short, but able to scary you almost to deaths, so we do not recommend check them out at night. Still, not all the adventures are simple and dummy. Several month ago, we have come across great story about the survival of scientist on the base, which was captured by artificial intelligence. We are not sure about the name, so just visit «maps» section on our website and download it for free.
Moreover, nobody can finish the article about the MCPE maps without telling a few world about the parkour. We can even name several players that downloaded Minecraft PE only because of this kind of maps. As in the real life, here players would have to cover long distance in short time. Command blocks, which were provided several month ago, improved the gameplay of parkour maps on android. The reason is pretty simple: you do not need to track players location any more, smart blocks will automatize the process.
The main disadvantage is lags on low-end devices. Anyway, it is relatively fresh way to improve you coordination and reaction, so try it out right now!