Prosoniq Time Factory Ii Torrent

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TimeFactory 2 has entered the ProTooler kingdom, and it’s said to be good too. Let’s find out The process About half of the TimeFactory 2 window is the “input files” section. Simply click n’ drag any amounts of files you want to preview or modify to this. There you’ll see some specs such as length, format and play time.

The action happens in the “Time/Pitch” section though. When I first looked at it I wasn’t very impressed, you can change length (in percent), pitch, formant and choose whether the change should be applied with transpose or natural pitch. Fortunately there is also an “Expert settings” window that you can click to show. It stayed open the entire time for me since this is where you’re able to change duration, length in frames as well as BPM. Algorithms There’s four algorithms to choose from: MPEX2, MPEX3, DIRAC and ClearScale. I’ll give you a short explanation or each of them. The MPEX2 was the algorithm used in TimeFactory 1.x and is mainly included for compatibility purpose, in other words, that won’t get much time on the field.

MPEX3 is the new algorithm said to be “used in many popular products on the market”, which makes me wonder why I should buy this product if I already have one that uses it. It’s also said to “allow a crystal clear 200% time stretch”. We’ll put that to the test later. DIRAC offers a variety of settings and perhaps the widest range of parameters that can be tweaked to work well with a particular type of signal Or so the manual says. It also suggests to use it on drum loops because it doesn’t alter the timing structure, and also for doubling vocals or altering the timbre or gender or a voice. ClearScale was developed by the same people who developed DIRAC but doesn’t have any quality parameters since it auto-adapts to the signal. Should be good for beginners.

Prosoniq TimeFactory II 2.0. Choose the most popular programs from Audio & Video software 4.0 (1 vote) 2.02 Prosoniq Products Software GmbH. TIME FACTORY II for Mac OS X is a professional application for high quality. Zynaptiq is thrilled to now offer the former Prosoniq products TIME FACTORY II.

The cop show theme test The first test was made on an entire mix, a theme sounding like an old cop show or something like that. It’s 32 seconds long but should only be 30, two seconds change in duration, approximately around 6-7% of the time, shouldn’t be a problem. I used the MPEX3 algorithm and set it to poly because it’s an entire mix and not just one voice.

There are several quality settings you can choose here as well. Of course it worked well, that was until I decided to import it into Pro Tools to compare waveforms.

Look at the picture below, do you notice how it have introduced a short pause at the beginning? I was very surprised about this and I’m not sure about the reason for this but I did notice one thing that might have something to do with it.

In the expert settings duration is said to be an even 00:00:32:000, that is 32 seconds blank. When I preview it play time is said to be 00:00:31:904. Could it be that it is compensating the time difference with a pause?

I decided to try the same thing with the DIRAC algorithm (standard setting, good quality), and guess what, no pause in the beginning! Could it be that I had done something wrong?

I tried the MPEX3 setting again but the same pause appeared in the beginning. Anyway, I continued with the test and decided to change the MPEX3 to 20 seconds which of course made it play REALLY fast, but it still sounded pretty good. The Digidesign TC/E sounded horrible and the DIRAC sounded even better than MPEX3 to my ears. In what other way could I beat this mix to an unrecognizable mess?

By stretching it back of course! Stretching back the MPEX3 revealed some artifacts, while stretching back the TC/E file brutally murdered it. When I did the stretch back with the DIRAC algorithm, I choose the ‘best’ setting which the manual says can be very slow, on my MacBook C2D it didn’t run particularly slow though. X3 terran conflict torrent. While it included some artifacts, it did sound even better than the MPEX3 stretch.