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Thankfully, there are some Windows 10 updates options that of the update process. Deploy a Windows Server Update Services server When it comes to making updates more palatable to end users, the first thing IT should do is deploy a server. The proper Group Policy settings can force PCs to get their updates from the WSUS server rather than from Windows Update. Through a WSUS server will accomplish a few important things. Emulator android untuk ram 1gb windows 10. First, using a WSUS server can significantly reduce update-related internet congestion. With a WSUS server, IT can download the update once and distribute it throughout the organization rather than requiring each PC to update on its own.
Another improvement a WSUS server provides is more management capabilities. IT can still use Group Policy settings to customize update behavior even without a WSUS server, but using a WSUS server to manage Windows 10 updates options enables IT to approve updates on an individual basis. Adobe master collection cc 2017 bagas31. IT can control when Windows Update runs by setting the PC's active hours. This is important because one common Windows 10 update issue is that updates sometimes break previously functioning systems. By implementing, IT professionals can ensure that they have time to test updates before deployment. Schedule updates to occur at a convenient time IT can to take place late at night, early in the morning or whenever users aren't on their desktops.
Users don't want to stop what they are doing and wait for an update to complete. When developing an update schedule, IT must consider that even if the workday officially ends at 5:00 p.m., some users might work later. If the workday starts at 8:00 a.m., there may be users who come in early.
It is impossible to please everyone when it comes to Windows 10 updates options for scheduling, but IT should try to find a schedule that works for most users. IT can specify the active hours through Group Policy. IT can control when Windows Update runs by setting the PC's active hours. To set the active hours, an IT pro can open the Editor and navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update. He can then choose the Turn Off Auto-Restart setting for Updates During Active Hours. Enabling this setting gives IT the opportunity to set the start time and the end time for the active hours period. Hide update notifications and expedite log offs Another one of IT's Windows 10 updates options is to.

This ensures that users are never bothered with notifications of impending updates, and it is easy to do using Group Policy settings.