Ringkasan Novel Laskar Pelangi Lengkap
Dogovor podryada na vipolnenie visotnih rabot obrazec 15. Laskar pelangi movie review • 1. English Assignment Movie Review By: Diptya Mas Nugraha And Dyah Ayu Mirna XII IPA 1 SMAN 17 SurabayaJl Rungkut Asri Tengah Perum YKP Surabaya 60293 Phone: (031) 8700717 • Movie Review: Laskar Pelangi Laskar Pelangi, variously translated as Rainbow Warriors or Rainbow Troops, isbased on the childhood experiences of writer Andrea Hirata, whose 2004 book was quitepopular and inspirational for a great number of Indonesians.
This film is directed by Riri Rezaand producer by Mira Lesmana. This film become a “lightening” between many film inIndonesia, especially education. The story is set in 1970s, on an island called Belitong, which located the east coast ofSumatera, the Java Sea. Like much of Indonesian island, it is a quiet, sleepy place, and thefilm perfectly captures the pace and beauty of the setting.
In the first day of the year ata Muhammadiyah elementary school on Belitung. The school needs 10 students but is oneshort until near the end of the day, when a straggler fills out the ranks for their teachers,Muslimah ( Cut Mini) and Harfan (Ikranagara). Muslimah dubs the children 'The RainbowTroops' (sometimes translated as 'The Rainbow Warriors') and the movie traces theirdevelopment and relationships with the teachers. Among the many challenges of weightand pressure to surrender, Ikal (Zulfanny), Lintang (Ferdian) and Mahar (Verrys Yamarno)with flair and intelligence emerged as the driving spirit of their school.
Ringkasan cerita laskar pelangi SEBUAH adaptasi sinema dari novel fenomenal “Laskar Pelangi” karya Andrea Hirata, yang mengambil setting di akhir tahun 70-an. Hari pertama pembukaan kelas baru di sekolah SD Muhammadyah menjadi sangat menegangkan bagi dua guru luar biasa, Muslimah (Cut Mini) dan Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), serta 9 orang murid.
In the midst of aneffort to maintain the school, they left one of the teachers for getting a more attractiveoffer. The most tragic is when Pak Harfan, the 'spirit' that school, died. In the midst of aneffort to keep the school, they lose their beloved figure. Are they still able to survive theordeal by ordeal? This is truly a magical story.
We witness what it means to have hope, when its notjust a marketing slogan. Harfan dubs his students the laskar pelangi, because he wantsthem to become agents of change and growth, and its not to say that farming is a dead end,but that even something as mundane as farming can be a vector of the life-force and ameans to change the world. Its not in what the job is, its what you do with it that changesthose around you.
Theres a deep honesty in this film. The actors and filmmakers show a connection tothe material and the surroundings that few films ever capture.
Using children from the areaexposes a much deeper tie to the settings than any actors could bring. They literally inhabit • their surroundings and we can feel their genuine connection to the lifestyle. One of the charms of the film is that everything in it still exists. One can findkampung just like it all over the country, and meet the people portrayed sitting at anycorner warung, drinking a Teh Botol. The director has perfectly captured this life from theeyes of a child.

The camera spends a lot of time at a childs eye-level, making everythinglook larger, and providing a quiet metaphor for how the worlds grows in the mind ofchildren. The score, by Sri Aksan Sjuman and Titi Handayani Sjuman, is perfectly matched tothe story and setting. The music is uplifting, while still paying homage to the native soundsof Indonesia, using traditional instruments and traditional arrangements. Yadi Sugandiscinematography is richly textured and uses copious amounts of warm tropical colors andlighting. The dialogue is flawless and natural, as if recorded surreptitiously on any streetcorner.
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Laskar Pelangi is highly recommended for those who appreciate superb foreigncinema, who truly enjoy uplifting drama, and for those who are curious to see what life islike in rural Indonesia. The gentle humor, quality production and profound empathy for thecharacters should place this film at the top of people choice.