Construction Project Management By Chitkara Pdf Compressor
4 Credits Introduction to programming languages, Introduction to various problem solving techniques— algorithms, flowcharts and pseudo code, History of ‘C’, Various Data Types of ‘C’, Control Statements, Looping and iterations, Introduction to Arrays, Strings, Pointers, Functions, Storage classes, Type Conversions, User Defined Data Types, Types of memory allocations, Introduction to Files. Suggested Book(s): “Programming in ANSI C”, Balaguruswamy, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill.
Polygon – Vector and raster – Files and data formats – Data compression. Chitkara, K.K. Construction Project Management: Planning, Scheduling.
“Let Us C”, Yashwant Kanetkar, 8th edition, BPB Publication. 2 Credits CARPENTRY and PATTERN MAKING: Classification, properties and defects of timber. Different shaping operations for making various joints. FOUNDRY SHOP: Introduction to foundry. Exercises involving preparation of sand moulds and castings.
FORGING PRACTICE: Introduction to forging, Forging tools, equipment and exercises on simple forging operations. MACHINE SHOP: Introduction to metal cutting machines, tools and exercises on basic metal cutting operations. WELDING SHOP: Basic concept on different welding methods, equipment, welding joints, and welding defects related to gas/electric arc welding.
SHEET METAL: Basic concept of sheet metal work involving different surface generations using different joining process. FITTING SHOP: Introduction to fitting and fitting practice. ELECTRICAL SHOP: Introduction to electrical wiring. ELECTRONICS SHOP: Introduction to electronics components (Diode, Resistor, Transistors, Capacitors LED’s, and PCB’s).Preparation of PCBs involving soldering applied to electrical & electronic applications. COMPUTER SHOP: Introduction to computer Hardware & peripherals. Assembly/Disassembly of simple P C.

Awareness of faults and its diagnosis. Introduction to advance wireless technologies (laptop, Bluetooth, WiFi, RF and IRDA). 4.5 Credits Differential equations of first order and first degree – exact, linear and Bernoulli.
Applications to Newton’s Law of cooling, Law of natural growth and decay, orthogonal trajectories. Second and higher order ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients -complementary function – Particular integrals (standard types) – Cauchy-Euler differential equation. Simultaneous liner differential equations (two variables) with constant coefficients. Solutions of second order ordinary linear differential equations with variable coefficients,application to SHM,RLC circuit, Simple pendulum, Introduction, Fourier Series on Arbitrary Intervals, Half-range cosine and sine series.
Laplace Transform, Inverse transforms properties, Transforms of derivatives and integrals, Unit step function, Dirac’s delta function, Differentiation and Integration of transforms. Limits, Continuity, Derivative of Complex Functions, Analytic Function, Cauchy Riemann Equation, Harmonic Functions, Conformal Mapping, Complex Integration, Cauchy’s Theorem, Cauchy Integral formula, Taylors and Laurent’s Expansion, Singular points, Poles Residue, Complex Integration using the method of Residue, Formation of partial differential equations – Equations of first Order – Lagrange’s linear equation – Charpit’s method – Standard types of first order non-linear partial differential equations. Solution of second order linear partial differential equations in two variables with constant coefficients by finding complementary function and particular integral – classification of PDE of second order – parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic equations – Solution by separation of variables.
Solutions of one-dimensional heat and wave equations and two-dimensional Laplace equation using Fourier series. Suggested Book(s): “The Engineering Mathematics”, 1st edition, Vol. II, Chitkara University Publication. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, B.
Ramana, Mc Graw-Hill. 1 Credit Introduction to various measuring instruments, Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws in D.C circuits, Verification of Superposition Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Thevenin’s Theorem, To find voltage, current relationship and power, power factor, Resonance in RLC circuit. 3rd Semester Course Code Course Name Hours (L+T+P) Credit CSL4301/CSL4201/CSL3201 Object Oriented Programming 3+0+0=3 3 CSL4203 Computer Networks 3+1+0=4 3.5 ECL4209 Digital Design 3+1+0=4 3.5 CSL4207 Operating System 3+1+0=4 3.5 AML4209 Discrete Structures 3+2+0=5 4 CSP2201 Object Oriented Programming Lab 0+0+4=4 2 CSP1203 Computer Networks Lab 0+0+2=2 1 ECP1209 Digital Design Lab 0+0+2=2 1 CSP1207 Operating System Lab – I 0+0+2=2 1 CSP3203 Integrated Project – III 0+0+2 3 GES1201 Co Curricular Activities 1 Total 32 26.5. 3.5 Credits Introduction: Mainframe systems, Desktop Systems, Multiprocessor Systems, Distributed Systems,Clustered Systems, Real Time Systems Handheld Systems. System Components, Operating System Services, System Calls/API, System Program, Process Concept: Process Scheduling, Operations On Processes, Cooperating Processes, Inter-process Communication, Threads Multithreading Models, Overview, Threading issues, Linux Threads, CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Algorithms Multiple-Processor Scheduling Real Time Scheduling, Process Synchronization: The Critical-Section Problem.
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